Expert CNC Electronic Repairs

- Monitor's
Repair and rebuilding color and monochrome CRT's or LCD's
- Printed Circuit Board's
Repair to all major brands, with a wide variety of custom components in stock, not readily available to industrial repair companies.
- Reverse engineering
We reverse engineer many custom components, ensuring availability for fast repairs.
- Servo/Spindle drive's
All type's of DC or AC drive's, with a large inventory in stock of hard to find transistor modules, resistor banks and customized manufacturers components.
- Microscopic X-rays analysis
Repairing defective CNC electronics is no easy task, modern PCB's rely on complex integrated circuits (IC's) to function correctly. Using high magnification x-ray equipment, our technicians are able to look inside multi layered buss, to find the broken traces — the key to knowing exactly which components to replace.
- Control/Drive Simulator's
All repairs are tested in a dedicated CNC control/drive simulator, specially constructed to give the same performance requirements of your working system. Our simulators are designed to specially meet all the needs for each individual repair, guaranteeing quality through dedicated testing.